Saturday, August 16, 2008

Sweet Payoff...Gratification from a Frienemy

There really is nothing sweeter than working your tail off for almost a year-your clothes fit better (and you moved down a few sizes, which means, you have to go shopping), you have a certain glow and your confidence level has reached its all time high!

What could be better?

How about when people notice how amazing you look? Good thing too, because you, dedicating yourself to the gym, eating right and improving your lifestyle habits (I'm a fan of drinking calories, but you have to make sacrifices). The only thing better, is when your Mortal Enemy (or in this case frienemy) comes into town (after several years) and you have seem to shrunk, when they have seem, they're carrying a little more water weight than last time?

Another great thing is, in this case this frienemy happens to be the opposite sex, so that has been icing on the low-fat, low-calorie, no sugar-added cake! And when said frienemy wants to buy you a drink and toast your hard work..well-we all need our cheat days!

Here's to working-out hard, staying dedicated, and making them eat their words...or drink them!

Friday, August 1, 2008

Jazzercise Wisdom -- or Just Do Your Thing, Girl!

Raise your hand if you've ever gone to a group exercise class. Thought so. Ok -- raise your hand if you've ever gone to a group exercise class where one participant totally did his or her own thing THE ENTIRE TIME? Thought so. Well, unlike most of you -- I have been there. I go to Jazzercise -- OK, get the giggles out. I love it -- sue me! It's one whole hour of great music, positive energy, and sweating. I love the way I feel after class and I love what it does for my soul and my waistline.

There is one woman who also regularly attends class -- but for the life of me, half the time I am not sure why she is there. At first, it truly annoyed me (GHE style) that she did not keep up with the rest of us. I mean -- why come if you can't keep up? Why do Jazzercise if you are really just working out in the corner of a room full of women doing one thing while you are doing another? It has taken me quite a few classes to "get" my fellow Jazzerciser. After a while, it came to me -- who cares? She showed up and she's working out. Yes, to the beat of her own drum -- but working it nonetheless. Isn't that what matters?

Who am I to say that my way is better than hers? We are here -- we're sweating --- we're sisters in this thing we call "dancing it off". Do your thing, girl!

Really -- isn't that what life is all about -- working it, owning it, and being your own fabulous self :). So -- whatever your thing is, go do it!