I don’t know about you guys and girls….but I love a challenge. Must be a third child/rebellious youth/Virgo who has ADD kind of thing.
I have been a very MIA blogger lately – but when that was brought to my attention by my Partner and Blogger In Crime – here I am, people – back and ready to rock.
Second only to my love of a challenge is my love of doing nothing but relaxing whenever I get the chance.
Enter Super Bowl Sunday – need I say more?
Super Bowl – who needs a better reason to stay in all day, watch TV, and just veg out? Oh, and eat!!!
And no, I don’t watch it for the football really – the Halftime Show (Go Bruce!) and the commercials always seem to be the most intriguing part – even though the Cardinals did put up a pretty good fight!
Well – this year’s best commercial, IMHO, had to be the Doritos ad with the crystal ball.
If you were hiding under a rock this past Sunday and missed out, it goes a little something like this – two co-workers in an office, one is holding what he calls a crystal ball (actually a snow globe), one asks the other “what does the crystal ball say?”, and the other says “free Doritos at work today” right before he throws the snow globe/crystal ball full force into the vending machine. Enter employees grabbing free chips and enter me LMFAO.
Wash, rinse, repeat the scene with the one who mocked the snow globe asking it “will I get a promotion” (apparently now trusting its crystal ball capabilities) and then chucking it right at his bosses’ family jewels. Needless to say, free chips but no promotion J.
What is the point you ask?
Haven’t we all wished for our own crystal ball at some point? I know I have – in fact, I have used its step-brother, the Magic 8 Ball, for years – there is one next to my bed – no, I’m serious.
We often wish for something or someone to make decisions for us, to help us see the future, to plan our next steps or show us the way.
We wait for a sign, for someone to tell us what to do or say or wear.
But why wait?
Get Your Own Crystal Ball, people!
Take control of your future, grab it (even though it might just look like a snow globe to you) and get going!
Grab it, throw it with all your might, and guess what – you may get free chips, you may find love, heck – you may even get a promotion!
You may miss the mark (hopefully your bosses’ crotch will not be involved) but you only hit what you aim at – make a plan, make a decision, and then let it loose!
The least you can get are some tasty chips :)!