Happy New Years!
So, in the tradition of New Years, we all have resolutions (I call mine goals, sounds more realistic) and clean the areas of our lives that may have been neglected over the past year.
Sticking with tradition, my goals are simple and probably similar to everyone else-lose weight, save money, find love, get married, have kids, live happily ever after. Repeat :)
Well, some of them have happened, others are in the process-but that's how life is, right?
Starting off the cleaning escapade right, I went straight for the cell phone. Deleting all those numbers of people who you don't talk to anymore, even though you have said to keep in touch and have made numerous attempts to do so, but really, what's the point of having their numbers around? So they can take up unwanted space on your SIM card-who needs extra baggage,when life gives you enough?
So, buh-bye freakshows-yes I'm talking to you Iron-Clad Owl and his sidekick best-friend (they were so much more than just "Heterosexual Life Mates"), if you catch my drift. Not like there is anything wrong with it, I'm just asking them to admit it.
See ya later Bait n' Switcher and Couch Moocher.
Peace be with you, Sunday Only Guy and Ex-Factor, it's been....well, some were fun, others were lame, but none can compare to my man now (insert "awe" sounds).
Stay tuned for more helpful tips for 2009.
As Madge has stated: "This is the year for Kickin Ass and Taking Names" Also known as, "Putting Our Heels Back On".
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