Monday, April 6, 2009

Life Is ALL Good

Haven't written much lately... or anything at all, especially on this website, but life has been pretty much perfect. Sure, there were those 13 days straight of working, but at least I have a job that pays the bills.
Family life is better than ever-my man and I are engaged (the ring is getting resized) and although we haven't made it official to the entire family. He did the right thing and got permission from my parents first and then will talk to his parents. All I have to say is "Amen to the traditional man" when it comes to things like this-now, on a not so traditional note. We have been shacking up before marriage and yes, 1+2=3, that's all I'm saying as no one knows about the "3" yet either. Don't worry, they don't ready this blog (at least I don't think they do).
We're beyond ecstatic and hope that our uber religious families will share in this excitement-and I'm sorry, but how can you not?

What's better than all of this marriage and family is knowing that there will be no more bad dates, no more awkward moments (although they are kind of fun) and there is a level of comfort, but when you found the person, the excitement is still very much there! I'm sure my fellow blogger can attest to this, as her and her hubby are a prime example of this-happily married for a number of years, keeping things interesting.

So as life progresses, I'm here to keep you smiling from ear to ear or to relating on way, it's life. Enjoy.

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