Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Double Take

I couldn't believe my eyes...on the way to work this morning-I work on a pretty remote location and all you ever really see are trucks, sure there are the occasional nice cars, but for the most part, it's trucks riding along the 15 at 7 in the morning.


So, there I am going through the back roads, also known as Gopher Canyon when I notice that one car up, it's a very nice BMW, looks to be at least a 2007 with a big sticker on the back: "STUDENT DRIVER". Whoa! What? No, that doesn't say "student driver" on a BMW does it? Holy s@%$, it does! Then as we continue around the winding road, you can definitely tell it's a student driver, with their cautious and let's face it horrible control of the car techniques. As soon as we (that would be me and the car directly in front me) think we'll escape this so-called student driver, they too turn onto the freeway. Perfect opportunity to see if it really is a student.

Yes, yes it was! Ok so Lt. Frank Drebin wasn't in the car like the image, but a girl looking frighteningly similar to this actress was definitely in the driver seat-in a BMW!!!!!
I know I'm not all that fresh out of High School, but I'm definitely not all that old either and I still can't wrap my brain around the fact that there was a 2007 BMW with a STUDENT DRIVER in it! I mean, we're on the 15 freeway, not in Beverly Hills. And I don't know about you, but my car was a beat up old Toyota Camry (circa 1981 at least) and my instructor was a buddy of mine, so we really didn't drive around-I mean we did, but to our friends house.
But let me tell you, if I was in a BMW, there would have many more miles on the car and many more hours behind the wheel. I mean, if a kid learns to drive in a BMW, then what do you think they're going to ask for on their birthday?
Apart from the Camry, my parents taught me how to drive on a Jeep Wrangler that I wasn't tall enough to push in the clutch, therefore stalling multiple times and learning to deal with the pressure of people behind you honking and waiting for you. Maybe that's why I'm such a good driver today-I can only imagine how I might end up learning to drive in a BMW!!!!
Happy Trails and Happy Blogging!