Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Parental Control: Scared Tactic

This is a blog that I posted on my personal blogspot, but felt I should share with all those who read this blog as well:

Well, it's official-I am definitely a mother!!! No, Tye isn't here, however we did spend most of the night in triage last night. Everything is fine, but me being a new mommy and not having anything to compare, I got a little scared last night, when I hadn't felt Tye move in about 11 hours.
At my last appointment I was asked to keep track of his movements and all through the pregnancy, he has been so active it usually kept me up at night. But within the last week (when work got to be a little too stressful), I noticed his movements had begin to slow down and then yesterday it was as if they stopped completely.
Teo wasted no time and took me straight to the hospital-although we were concerned, he made light of the situation by saying: "Hey, at least we get a look at where we need to go and what the rooms look like." When we took our baby classes, because of the H1N1 virus, they were not allowing ANYONE to visit the maternity ward.

Moving on... they hooked me up to the monitor and it was instant relief when I heard the strong heartbeats of my little monkey. Teo made another comment, which is totally fitting, especially for our kid: "Tye is just being a punk and getting us ready for all the joys of parenthood." The nurse was looking for 3 big movements in 10 minutes and Tye being an ADD, overachiever, gave her 3 HUGE movements in 3 minutes, which again, was a huge relief.Here comes the problems-she said, that I did have some contractions and was surprised that I didn't feel them-not close enough to be alarmed, but still something to be on the lookout for. (I've been telling everyone from the beginning, that I think Tye will be early...maybe my mother's instincts are as good as my mom's ).

They also found protein and blood in my urine, so I'll be back at the docs on Friday-it could be a number of things, a simple bladder infection, early signs of preeclampsia, toxemia (which my mom had with her first baby) or another kidney related infection.I feel good though and Tye is doing AWESOME, which, that's all I care about and I am so thankful to my husband-he is going to be such a great dad and an amazing coach when it is go time! Love you honey!Beosos.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Double Take

I couldn't believe my eyes...on the way to work this morning-I work on a pretty remote location and all you ever really see are trucks, sure there are the occasional nice cars, but for the most part, it's trucks riding along the 15 at 7 in the morning.


So, there I am going through the back roads, also known as Gopher Canyon when I notice that one car up, it's a very nice BMW, looks to be at least a 2007 with a big sticker on the back: "STUDENT DRIVER". Whoa! What? No, that doesn't say "student driver" on a BMW does it? Holy s@%$, it does! Then as we continue around the winding road, you can definitely tell it's a student driver, with their cautious and let's face it horrible control of the car techniques. As soon as we (that would be me and the car directly in front me) think we'll escape this so-called student driver, they too turn onto the freeway. Perfect opportunity to see if it really is a student.

Yes, yes it was! Ok so Lt. Frank Drebin wasn't in the car like the image, but a girl looking frighteningly similar to this actress was definitely in the driver seat-in a BMW!!!!!
I know I'm not all that fresh out of High School, but I'm definitely not all that old either and I still can't wrap my brain around the fact that there was a 2007 BMW with a STUDENT DRIVER in it! I mean, we're on the 15 freeway, not in Beverly Hills. And I don't know about you, but my car was a beat up old Toyota Camry (circa 1981 at least) and my instructor was a buddy of mine, so we really didn't drive around-I mean we did, but to our friends house.
But let me tell you, if I was in a BMW, there would have many more miles on the car and many more hours behind the wheel. I mean, if a kid learns to drive in a BMW, then what do you think they're going to ask for on their birthday?
Apart from the Camry, my parents taught me how to drive on a Jeep Wrangler that I wasn't tall enough to push in the clutch, therefore stalling multiple times and learning to deal with the pressure of people behind you honking and waiting for you. Maybe that's why I'm such a good driver today-I can only imagine how I might end up learning to drive in a BMW!!!!
Happy Trails and Happy Blogging!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Go Get Em Tiger!

This one is going out to my girl Madge. She is embarking on a new adventure...called applying for a promotion-well sort of. It's a new job position, same company, different location :( and I think more money :)
This post is also to encourage her to....ACTUALLY WRITE SOMETHING! I've been working this blog like a one-woman show and lemme tell ya, I'm tired! I mean, I'm the bonafide GHE girl and writing things for GHF can be really tiresome. I know things are going great in my life, but I'm also an overworked, underpaid, too tired, hormonal woman! Let me rest!
Ok getting back on I'm writing because this is a HUGE opportunity for my fellow blogger and I wish her the best of luck, although the thought of her moving away is a sad, sad thought-I can't blame her. I mean I moved all the way to NYC, so I guess it's her turn.
Good luck Madge!
Happy Blogging!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Maybe Not So Bad

As you all know (whomever you all are), I'm pregnant and engaged and loving life-not saying that I need a man or a baby to validate myself, but a family is something I've always wanted and now I have it-so who wouldn't be happy, right?

Sharing in my excitement, I decided that since all of my cousins (except for 2, that's out of like 20), all have their own little family blogs, which is a great thing, because we all live in like 7 different states and with kids and families growing, it's great to stay in touch. Naturally, I took it upon myself to start one for my little family and to let everyone know about it, I sent out a mass email. I normally don't do the mass emails, I try my hardest to stay personally connected to people and mass messages, don't always work.

So last week, I type up this cute little message and send it to everyone in my contact list and hit send. Then I realize (having baby brain) that I forgot to send the link, so then I send another one, with a spelling error, but whatever, I have baby brain, so it's excusable right? Sure.

Well, the one thing that may not be excusable is sending it to someone I used to date. The someone whom I've written countless blogs about (Owl with Iron Clad Panties, Return of the Toolbox, Toolbox-Friday the 13th, The Dater Who Wouldn't Die, etc). WHOOPS! That's all I can say,  for my action. I really didn't know that I sent to said person, until I checked my email the next day and saw his response.

Here's why, this posting is in Glass Half Full and not in GHE-because he was really sweet and supportive. He was happy that I was happy (whether it was fake or not, it's still nice). So, we've been emailing each other, he's actually getting a job in my neck of the woods-no, don't worry, no plans on seeing him anytime soon. Why would I do that to myself, my honey or the baby, right? I'm not sick, just dumb with baby brain :)

I don't regret my feelings I've had for this guy, good and bad-I mean, he really was a toolbox to me-but who am I to be mightier than thou? I'm not here to judge someone, plus, maybe we'll get a baby gift from him :) It's all about the baby, right?

People can change or grow or have a come to Jesus moment-whatever the case is, everyone deserves the right to change and who are others to not allow that to happen. You can't control other people's actions, you can only control your own reaction.

And that's one to grow on!

Happy Blogging!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Eating & Shopping for 2!

So another couple of perks about being pregnant is that you can literally eat & shop for 2 with no excuses!

I have yet to take on the eating for 2-I wasn't sick in my first trimester and I'm not sick, now that I'm almost 5 months-but my appetite isn't what it probably should be. Now, I'm not a small woman, I'm not a BBG (Big Bone Gal) either, more of an athletic build, I guess. But my stomach feels small and fills up more quickly. Plus, my sweet tooth (which wasn't that apparent to begin with) has almost completely vanished! A non-diary, frozen yogurt will do and usually lasts me a couple of days every now and then, but I must tell you-I cannot get enough veggies or fruit. I think it has to do with the water content, because I have never been more thirsty in all my life. Believe you, me-drinking water isn't a problem for me and I can say that I easily drink a few liters of water throughout the day and that's just water!

The shopping for 2 is easier for me to swallow (except for the bank account)-one item for me, one item for the baby, 2 items for me and my growing belly, one item for the baby who has yet to enter the world...etc. Again, no need to come up with an excuse and I'm not the type of lady or mother that would buy something designer, knowing that I or the baby will grow out of it. But much like water, I cannot get enough of finding little dresses or skirts-the most comfortable things ever and luckily for me, I live in San Diego, where I could get away with wearing them throughout my pregnancy!

Speaking of shopping-we have found out the sex of our baby and I don't think it's a surprise to anyone, but we're having a boy! I grew up with 2 older brothers, so having a little girl was making me nervous and all I really want is a strong, healthy baby-but having a little boy has made me giddy and ecstatic! I cannot wait to see him-in the ultrasound, he behaved much like a boy. Playing hide and seek, so we couldn't see his face-and he was stretched out, so there was no doubt that he is a boy! He let his man parts be known :)

Maybe I am growing soft as I continue to grow, but to be pregnant with a child is a real blessing and I thank everyone involved for their continuous support and love.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Pregnancy is the New Thin.

That was a tank-top I recently saw in Motherhood and I couldn't agree more. Yes, readers (if there are any out there), my blogs are now going to consist of the goods, the bads and the super ugly of being prego!

So, let's start with the good shall we? Since, I've only experience a handful of sick days and the rest have been not too shabby.

  • First off-my skin has never looked so clean and clear, that whole pregnancy glow is true-so luckily for me, my skin is really liking all these extra hormones and I'm really loving my skin these days-I wear minimal make-up (not like I wore a lot), but a few moments in the sun, gives me that perfect sun kissed glow, so I'm welcoming summer with open pores!
  • Secondly, my girls have always been more than average and although I never wanted to draw attention to them before-the shape that they're now taking-no doctor could emulate and if you have one that could, pass the number, cuz you know what kids do to the girls.
  • Next, God bless whomever invented, discovered, the Belly Band! This is really, the pregnant women's (and even post-pregnancy) best-friend. Especially in this economy where ever penny counts-I have yet to buy maternity pants and with the Belly Band, I don't plan on it. One of my sister-in-laws swears by it and the other one has already shared her old maternity clothes with me. Extra savings for the baby-maybe we can afford college now :)
  • Exercise has never been second-guessed (and neither has a craving)-my beau is working out more (I think it's because he doesn't want to gain the typical father 15), which forces me to walk my 5 miles a day and my legs are getting more shapely than when I was training.
  • A softer side of me has come through-hormones definitely win some mood swing battles, but my patience level and compassion has stepped up and I really like this side of me-I think there was so much before that I was bitter about (check out earlier posts to get the scoop), that now that I have practically everything (still wanting an Audi and a house), that there isn't much (or anything at all) to be bitter about. Except for my annoying neighbors, which I'm trying a more patient and understanding approach to.
  • I've never had too much in common with my mom (except for attitude, fashion sense and facial expressions), but it's nice to know that the symptoms I'm going through, she also went through. And I'm sure once the Cubican is here, there will be just that much more to relate (and disagree) on.
  • Food isn't a problem (and even my brother who is my trainer, told me not to worry about what I eat), but I haven't had those typical (myths) cravings of ice cream with pickles or french fries with chocolate-but being a rather healthy eater-vegetables and fruit with all their water content seems to fill my plate these days. Which might be another reason why I love walking/exercising and my skin looks great.

Well, those were just a few perks of being pregnant-like I mentioned-I'm sure there is bad and ugly to come (especially during delivery, since I'm going au naturale), so stay tuned.

Happy Blogging!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Coming Around

There is nothing like the feeling when you realize that your family absolutely loves the man you love!
Maybe it was her post-surgery talk, but my mother said to me: "The more I hang out with Teo, the more I like him." I told her, "That's good, because he's not going anywhere."

My family had decided to take a mini family vacation this weekend to Palm Springs-nothing fancy, just some time with one another, bonding in the sun and pool with all 5 kids! Teo and I definitely need the practice and boy did we get it-it was so much fun and the kids love Teo!!! They love him so much that last night as my brother was pulling up to my parents house, his son saw Teo's truck and yelled: "Yeah, Teo's here!" They used to say that when seeing my car, but I'm happy to turn them over to Teo for a bit :)

It also says a lot that he isn't afraid to call, talk or hang out with any one of my family members. Not saying that my family is intimidating, but Teo has a sense of self-confidence and he's really comfortable, that he calls up my dad to see what he's doing, same with my brothers. It's a really great thing to find a man who feels comfortable with your family. And in turn who feel comfortable around him, especially the kids-they're very good judges of character :)

So to all of those who have this, welcome us to the club!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Deep Fried Tater Tots

Breezy is back in action and here I am as well -- she has a knack for kicking my booty into gear.

I could not be happier for the mom and dad to be....I have "named" the baby Six as it will be the 6th grandchild on her side. I can't wait to paint Six's nails and dress her up like a little doll :)....or play catch with him....whatever Six turns out to be, I will be thrilled!

So, life is more than half full for both of us these days, thus the infrequent blogging. I had an amazing day off today....workout, Starbucks, mani/pedi, general lolly-gagging, and a trip to the grocery store.

I bought my man some beautiful daffodils -- cheap, cheerful and a ray of sunshine -- and I decided to walk through the store to find something I could make for dinner. I said to myself....what are you craving? The answer, my friends....Tater Tots.

Known as "gems" in the Midwest (a long funny story behind that one, folks) -- they are warm, crunchy pieces of carb heaven. Not quite a balanced meal, but oh well -- life is too short.

I just took them out of the freezer and the starchy golden smell is starting to waft toward me from the kitchen. I did have to laugh a little when I was reading the directions on the bag. Oven ready at 450, I started arranging the frozen nuggets on the cookie sheet as I was scanning the bag for the cooking time.

I almost laughed out loud, my friends, when (under the baking times) I saw the following options -- pan fry or deep fry. Really? They are already Ore-Ida Extra Crispy Tater Tots -- need we add more grease and fat to these suckers?

It made me think -- can something as yummy as Tater Tots be EVEN BETTER than it already is? I don't own a deep fryer nor do I feel like pan frying -- but I digress....can good be even better? Yes - it can.

Our love can grow, our life can improve, our outlook can change -- we can all do better and be better each day.

Even those who once doubted true love can find it (Breezy) -- but not only find it, be blown away by it.

That's life -- it never fails to surprise us. And hey, even Tater Tots have options.

Can you improve on perfection? Maybe you can. What I do know is Tater Tots are good and so is life.

Here's to seeing you on the Half Full side more often. Off to eat my Tots ;)

Monday, April 6, 2009

Life Is ALL Good

Haven't written much lately... or anything at all, especially on this website, but life has been pretty much perfect. Sure, there were those 13 days straight of working, but at least I have a job that pays the bills.
Family life is better than ever-my man and I are engaged (the ring is getting resized) and although we haven't made it official to the entire family. He did the right thing and got permission from my parents first and then will talk to his parents. All I have to say is "Amen to the traditional man" when it comes to things like this-now, on a not so traditional note. We have been shacking up before marriage and yes, 1+2=3, that's all I'm saying as no one knows about the "3" yet either. Don't worry, they don't ready this blog (at least I don't think they do).
We're beyond ecstatic and hope that our uber religious families will share in this excitement-and I'm sorry, but how can you not?

What's better than all of this marriage and family is knowing that there will be no more bad dates, no more awkward moments (although they are kind of fun) and there is a level of comfort, but when you found the person, the excitement is still very much there! I'm sure my fellow blogger can attest to this, as her and her hubby are a prime example of this-happily married for a number of years, keeping things interesting.

So as life progresses, I'm here to keep you smiling from ear to ear or to relating on way, it's life. Enjoy.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Get Your Own Crystal Ball!

I don’t know about you guys and girls….but I love a challenge. Must be a third child/rebellious youth/Virgo who has ADD kind of thing.

I have been a very MIA blogger lately – but when that was brought to my attention by my Partner and Blogger In Crime – here I am, people – back and ready to rock.

Second only to my love of a challenge is my love of doing nothing but relaxing whenever I get the chance.

Enter Super Bowl Sunday – need I say more?

Super Bowl – who needs a better reason to stay in all day, watch TV, and just veg out? Oh, and eat!!!

And no, I don’t watch it for the football really – the Halftime Show (Go Bruce!) and the commercials always seem to be the most intriguing part – even though the Cardinals did put up a pretty good fight!

Well – this year’s best commercial, IMHO, had to be the Doritos ad with the crystal ball.

If you were hiding under a rock this past Sunday and missed out, it goes a little something like this – two co-workers in an office, one is holding what he calls a crystal ball (actually a snow globe), one asks the other “what does the crystal ball say?”, and the other says “free Doritos at work today” right before he throws the snow globe/crystal ball full force into the vending machine. Enter employees grabbing free chips and enter me LMFAO.

Wash, rinse, repeat the scene with the one who mocked the snow globe asking it “will I get a promotion” (apparently now trusting its crystal ball capabilities) and then chucking it right at his bosses’ family jewels. Needless to say, free chips but no promotion J.

What is the point you ask?

Haven’t we all wished for our own crystal ball at some point? I know I have – in fact, I have used its step-brother, the Magic 8 Ball, for years – there is one next to my bed – no, I’m serious.

We often wish for something or someone to make decisions for us, to help us see the future, to plan our next steps or show us the way.
We wait for a sign, for someone to tell us what to do or say or wear.

But why wait?

Get Your Own Crystal Ball, people!

Take control of your future, grab it (even though it might just look like a snow globe to you) and get going!

Grab it, throw it with all your might, and guess what – you may get free chips, you may find love, heck – you may even get a promotion!

You may miss the mark (hopefully your bosses’ crotch will not be involved) but you only hit what you aim at – make a plan, make a decision, and then let it loose!

The least you can get are some tasty chips :)!

Monday, January 5, 2009

A Clean Sweap

Happy New Years!
So, in the tradition of New Years, we all have resolutions (I call mine goals, sounds more realistic) and clean the areas of our lives that may have been neglected over the past year.

Sticking with tradition, my goals are simple and probably similar to everyone else-lose weight, save money, find love, get married, have kids, live happily ever after. Repeat :)

Well, some of them have happened, others are in the process-but that's how life is, right?

Starting off the cleaning escapade right, I went straight for the cell phone. Deleting all those numbers of people who you don't talk to anymore, even though you have said to keep in touch and have made numerous attempts to do so, but really, what's the point of having their numbers around? So they can take up unwanted space on your SIM card-who needs extra baggage,when life gives you enough?

So, buh-bye freakshows-yes I'm talking to you Iron-Clad Owl and his sidekick best-friend (they were so much more than just "Heterosexual Life Mates"), if you catch my drift. Not like there is anything wrong with it, I'm just asking them to admit it.

See ya later Bait n' Switcher and Couch Moocher.
Peace be with you, Sunday Only Guy and Ex-Factor, it's been....well, some were fun, others were lame, but none can compare to my man now (insert "awe" sounds).

Stay tuned for more helpful tips for 2009.

As Madge has stated: "This is the year for Kickin Ass and Taking Names" Also known as, "Putting Our Heels Back On".