Thursday, November 20, 2008

Maverick, Goose, IceMan...Top Gun 101

Recently, I attended a leadership training seminar and me, being the bon-a-fide GHE, rolled my eyes, whined (a little) and tried to get out of it, any which way I could. My thought process was this: I work for a company that lacks structure, but believes in sending employees to gain knowledge in leadership skills. If you lack structure, why make your employees more structured than the company?

Anyway, I digress in more of a GHF route-this course was AWESOME! The first thing that they tell you is that “Your company takes a lot of your time, take these 3 days for you. Don’t worry about emails, phone calls, etc. Focus on what you are here to accomplish.” I say, it shouldn’t take a seminar for you to relax, breathe and take some time for yourself. But, the instructor (or I should say Dr.) constantly reminds you that balance is the key to success in your life, professionally and personally.

So what did I learn from this seminar? I learned that I am way to good for my current employer. Kidding, just making sure you’re all reading this-no, I learned a lot about how much I’ve changed from past (yet still fresh) personal obstacles in my life and how they have affected me now and how I come to view new players in my game called LIFE.

It was also a good reminder to sit back, breathe and enjoy your life. If you’re happy in one area in your life, then it will shine through to the other areas. So, if you are with a company who tends to send you to a seminar, be happy. It’s a great break.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Retraction on The Endless Torture

I'm here to give credit, when credit is due and therefore I must retract my previous GHE blog titled "The Endless Torture" speaking of the J-O-B (Juggling Others Bullshit). Although I still do believe firmly in this acronym. With the recent unemployment rate being the highest it has been in over 15 years and with the number skyrocketing from 6.1% to 6.5% in a months' time; I must admit that juggling, isn't all that bad.

I gladly strap on my red nose, oversized shoes and whistle the creepy circus music all the way to the office. Because at the end of this rainbow, there is a paycheck and health benefits--not to mention that I have found a few diamonds in the rough, or more eloquently put...some good people :)

For those of you who might have lost their jobs and are looking for new ones...the green market is rising!!! San Diego, came in the top 10 cities that they foresee as the highest green market jobs. So it's time for you to strap on your organic tees, bag up those all locally grown fruits and vegetables and hitch a ride on your bike to your new J-O-B!

No, but in all seriousness people-Change is Here.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

The End of Apathy

It is really hard to put into words how amazing this Election night has been -- I am sure it will sink in as time goes on. I have been in awe over the last few weeks -- and I am even more so tonight. This is a historic and exciting night -- which will mark the beginning of a time of hope and unity in our country. I believe in this, I hoped for it, and it is here.

What I have enjoyed "watching" over the last few weeks is that people are talking, that people actually care about our country -- and I believe this election shows that we have hope and that we want change. The era of "business as usual" is over.

We need not only a new president, but an actual leader -- someone who inspires, who motivates, who encourages us to use our voices. I believe this is why Obama speaks to so many people and why so many people are thrilled to support him and what he stands for.

In this hard economic time, we can not "afford" apathy -- we have to care, we need to be involved, and we need to come together to make this country what we want it to be.

Gotta go watch the speech --- peace, love, and no more apathy! Here's to hope -- yes we can!