Friday, August 1, 2008

Jazzercise Wisdom -- or Just Do Your Thing, Girl!

Raise your hand if you've ever gone to a group exercise class. Thought so. Ok -- raise your hand if you've ever gone to a group exercise class where one participant totally did his or her own thing THE ENTIRE TIME? Thought so. Well, unlike most of you -- I have been there. I go to Jazzercise -- OK, get the giggles out. I love it -- sue me! It's one whole hour of great music, positive energy, and sweating. I love the way I feel after class and I love what it does for my soul and my waistline.

There is one woman who also regularly attends class -- but for the life of me, half the time I am not sure why she is there. At first, it truly annoyed me (GHE style) that she did not keep up with the rest of us. I mean -- why come if you can't keep up? Why do Jazzercise if you are really just working out in the corner of a room full of women doing one thing while you are doing another? It has taken me quite a few classes to "get" my fellow Jazzerciser. After a while, it came to me -- who cares? She showed up and she's working out. Yes, to the beat of her own drum -- but working it nonetheless. Isn't that what matters?

Who am I to say that my way is better than hers? We are here -- we're sweating --- we're sisters in this thing we call "dancing it off". Do your thing, girl!

Really -- isn't that what life is all about -- working it, owning it, and being your own fabulous self :). So -- whatever your thing is, go do it!

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